Event Details
Location: Cynthia Poulton Hall, St Peter’s Cathedral
27 King William Rd, North Adelaide, SA
This event will explore theologically what ‘Hope’ means for First Nations’ peoples after the ‘No’ vote in the referendum to establish a First Nations’ Voice to Federal Parliament embodied in the Australian Constitution. It will draw upon contemporary First Nations’ reflections on ‘Hope’ and suggest a way forward to see ‘Hope’ embodied in action.
St Barnabas College presents the Festival of Hope in Theology and the Arts, 10 – 16 February 2025. This is a week of hope-themed events and services held across Adelaide in our parishes, St Peter’s Cathedral and St Barnabas College. The festival sets the scene for the national Anglican Hope25 intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus from Easter to Pentecost in 2025.