About Us

Revd Peter Williams

Revd Peter Williams

Lecturer in Clinical Pastoral Education 

Ordained in 1974, Peter has wide experience of pastoral ministry in both parish and hospital chaplaincy settings.  He has served in parishes in the Anglican Dioceses of Melbourne, Adelaide, Willochra (in Australia) and Liverpool (UK).  He spent thirty two years as Chaplain to the Flinders Medical Centre and then the Royal Adelaide Hospital.  Peter retired from full time ministry in 2015.  In retirement he has undertaken several locum ministries in Adelaide parishes. 

His training for hospital chaplaincy ministry included working at the Radcliff Infirmary and Churchill Hospital in Oxford and the Royal Bethlem Hospital at Beckenham in England as well as undertaking Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). 

Peter was accredited as a CPE: 

  • Pastoral Supervisor, Level 1, In the 1990’s. In this capacity he supervised CPE participants on a one-to-one basis and assisted a Clinical Supervisor in CPE group programmes. 
  • Clinical Supervisor, Level 2, in mid 1995. As a Level 2 Supervisor he planned and conducted CPE group programmes and supervised CPE participants as well as Acting Level 1 and Level 1 CPE supervisors. 
  • Clinical Pastoral Educator, Level 3, in mid 2014. At this level he carried out the duties of Level 1 and 2 CPE supervisors as well as conducting training programmes for CPE supervisors. 

Peter also holds an MTh of the Flinders University for a thesis on Theological Reflection in Ministry Supervision. He has lectured in Pastoral Care at the Bible College of South Australia and St Barnabas College in Adelaide. 

Areas of Teaching

Pastoral Studies 


Master of Theology
Flinders University 

Diploma of Divinity
Adelaide College of Divinity 

Licentiate of Theology
Australian College of Theology  

Clinical Pastoral Educator, Level 3
South Australia & Northern Territory Association for Clinical Pastoral Education