Lyndon is the parish priest at Burnside and teaches in the areas of leadership formation and practice, and is a senior associate of the St Barnabas Centre for Missional Research. He recently returned to Australia after three decades in the United States. Prior to moving to Adelaide, Lyndon served in Colorado as a parish priest and as the Anglican Studies Director at Iliff School of Theology in Denver.
Lyndon is a practical theologian who was part of a research cohort that met biannually at Lambeth Palace, London for several years culminating in the award of a Ph.D. by the Archbishop of Canterbury. His thesis, Being the Body of Christ in the Age of Management, was published by Cascade in 2016. Lyndon’s current particular interests are in theological critiques of neoliberalism, and the intersection of theologies of place and the practices of community placemaking.
Areas of Teaching
Leadership Formation and Praxis
PhD Lambeth Research Degrees in Theology (formally, The Archbishop’s Examination in Theology)
Lambeth, UK
Master of Divinity
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Virginia
BA – Psychology
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois