About Us

The Rev’d Dr Matthew Anstey

The Rev'd Dr Matthew Anstey

Lecturer in Homiletics: Theory and Practice

Matthew has been an Anglican since birth, growing up in Sydney. After school, he spent most of the next 20 years in Canberra-Goulburn Diocese, except for four years overseas studying for a Masters in Christian Studies at Regent College (Vancouver) and a PhD at Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam), in Biblical Hebrew linguistics. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2009 and in 2010 moved to Adelaide to be Principal of St Barnabas Theological College (2010-2018).  Currently, as well as being a lecturer at St Barnabas College, Matthew is also the parish priest at St Theodore’s, Toorak Gardens.

Matthew has always loved parish ministry and academic scholarship, and he remains active in both areas. In ministry, he enjoys preaching and speaking, and has presented Bible Studies at the National Anglican Deacons Conference; the National Anglican Bishops Conference; the Willochra and Adelaide Synods; the Willochra, Adelaide, Ballarat, and Canberra-Goulburn Clergy Conferences; General Synod; and the National Anglican Deans Conference.

Areas of Teaching


Honorary research fellow/doctoral supervisor ( the University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of Adelaide, and Charles Sturt University)

Founder of the Biblical Hebrew Language and Linguistics Unit, Society of Biblical Literature (International)

Member of the Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew Unit, Society of Biblical Literature, and the National Association of Professors of Hebrew (USA).

A trustee of the Australian Research Theological Foundation Incorporated (ARTFinc).