Academic Higher Education / Undergraduate Awards

Diploma in Ministry


1 year full-time, up to 4 years part-time

Modes of Study

Classroom, mixed, online

Start Date

February, July


University of Divinity accredited awards attract fees. To view the University of Divinity tuition fees for 2025 visit

Students may apply for Commonwealth support for study through the Fee Help. More information may be found by following the link:


The Diploma in Ministry equips students with foundational knowledge and skills to engage in practical Christian ministry in a range of contexts. It explores the biblical and theological basis of ministry and assists students to utilise tools of personal and theological reflection to understand themselves in relation to their ministry contexts, grow their capacity and respond effectively to their call to serve others.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Diploma in Ministry:

  • demonstrate foundational knowledge of Christian texts and traditions, particularly those relating to personal formation and ministry with others.
  • apply foundational ministry knowledge and skills to ministry contexts in responsible ways.
  • demonstrate interpersonal and teamwork skills.
  • reflect theologically on their ministry practice.

How Do I Apply?

For application enquiries please contact us via email

About St. Barnabas College

St Barnabas College is part of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, serving the educational needs of the Diocese and the Province of South Australia.

We deliver high quality undergraduate and postgraduate theological education, equipping clergy, laity, and ordination candidates for ministry in the church and for Christian life in the world.