Academic Higher Education
At St Barnabas College you can study a Research Higher Degree accredited by University of Divinity. Research Higher Degrees include a Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Professional Practice. All research degrees include a major thesis which is supervised by accredited academics and examined externally. For more information contact the St Barnabas College Research Coordinator, Dr Joan Riley.
Masters degrees by coursework and Masters degrees which include a minor thesis component are not considered Research Higher Degrees – refer to the Postgraduate Awards.
Research Higher Degree Supervisors at St Barnabas College include Dr Lorna Hallahan, Dr Steven Ogden and Dr Theo McCall.
Regular research seminars are held at the College, usually on a Monday afternoon. Check out our News and Events page for the next seminar. Our research areas are diverse and include Biblical Studies, Patristics, Theology, Creation Care, Archaeology and Epigraphy