Academic Higher Educations
Postgraduate Awards
Students undertaking a postgraduate award at University of Divinity must have completed a previous undergraduate degree. Relevant work-related experience may count for entry into a postgraduate award and will be assessed on case-by-case criteria.
Modes of Study
All courses are available for study in person or online. Students may login to the class at the scheduled time or view the lecture and materials at a different time. Units offered via blended mode include a recorded lecture which must be viewed prior to a webinar or in-class session.
University of Divinity accredited awards attract fees. To view the University of Divinity tuition fees for 2025 visit
Students may apply for Commonwealth support for study through the Fee Help. More information may be found by following the link:
How do I apply?
Contact the Academic Registrar at the College who will arrange an interview time with you (in person or online) for enrolment and an interview with the Academic Dean, Dr Damian Szepessy on (08) 8305 9317 or
At St Barnabas College the following awards may be studied at postgraduate level: